From 2015 to 2021 I was a task leader in EPSRC Programme Grant project "Reactive Plasmonics", leading the direction "Optimisation of hot electron transfer in semiconductor-based Schottky junctions".
From 2010 t0 2015 I was designated as a task leader in three research directions of EPSRC Programme Grant project "Active Plasmonics": "Dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguide (DLPW)", "Phase modulation in DLPW and MIM waveguides with BST", "Intensity modulation in DLPW-based components", where my experience is utilised to develop the prospective research program, organise the relevant research, lead and oversee the task team.
From 2006 to 2010 I was a leading investigator of "Active components" workpackage of EC FP6 project "PLASMOCOM: Polymer-based nanoplasmonic components and devices". In close collaboration with University of Southern Denmark, Université de Bourgogne and ICFO, I took an active role in all the aspects of project development, from sample design and fabrication to creating the theoretical framework and performing the experimental investigation.
Apart from this, I took part in creation and now taking active role in the development of two consecutive spin-off projects from EPSRC Programme Grants “Reactive plasmonics” and “Active plasmonics”. It resulted in multi-institutional research collaboration (King’s College London, Imperial College London, Queen’s University Belfast) and gave me an opportunity to establish and pursue an independent research programme.